
Estate Planning and the Administration of Estates

Our wills and estate administration services include:

o   Drafting of Wills, Codicils and Living Wills;

o   Formation and registration of Trusts;

o   Attending to amendments to Trust Deeds; and

o   Winding up of deceased estates (as executor or in an advisory capacity to an executor).

We offer tailor- made wills and trusts to suit every individual’s needs and to give effect to any particular estate planning strategy decided upon.  Whilst we do not provide advice pertaining to investments, we can refer you to experts in the field.  We believe that a will is a key instrument aimed at ensuring that a client’s life endeavours leaves a lasting legacy to all significant persons left behind.

 We also take appointments as executors of deceased estates or, if another person has been appointed as the executor of a particular deceased estate, we can and do assist such executor with advice and administrative assistance to the extent needed.